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    Monday to Saturday 9:00am - 6:00pm
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Cycle Stand tender 24-25 Housekeeping tender GEM year 2025 Tender for purchase of medicine and consumables 2025 चिकित्सा शिक्षकों का संविदा भर्ती हेतु रिक्त पदों की अद्यतन जानकारी

Radio Therapy


Radiotherapy department primarily deals with cancer patient with an intervention of early diagnosis & treatment and also palliative care.. The department of Radiotherapy, Lt. Bisahu Das Mahant Memorial Medical Colleg, Korba C.G. came into existence in the July 2023.

Aim & Objectives

1. To carry out early diagnosis and treatment for treatable cancer cases.
2. To provide good palliative care to the palliative cases.
3. To carry out early diagnosis with active screening prognosis.

OPD services
IPD services:- Under IPD services Chemotherapy services is provided.
OPD Room-1
Examination room-1
Cancer ward : 1 (with 5 beds)
1 Nursing station cum store room attached to ward.

Faculties of Radiotheraphy

Photo Name Designation Qualification Registration No. Mobile Email
Dr. Deepika Nagesia Senior Resident MBBS/MD(Radiation Oncology) CGMC9091/2019 9752882328