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All Classes suspended for Annual Function(UMAANG) from 20/02/2025 चिकित्सा शिक्षकों का संविदा भर्ती हेतु रिक्त पदों की अद्यतन जानकारी

Internal Medicine


Department of Internal Medicine was established as one of the primary departments of the Medical College in 2020 filling a long-awaited lacuna in the tertiary healthcare of the regional population with an aim to provide complete physical, psychological and social healthcare. The department remains at the forefront of patient management with clinical assessment, diagnostic guidance and optimized treatment. It attends to a considerable share of hospital patients both on Outpatient and Inpatient basis attending patients across Medical sub-specialties like Infectious Disease, Non-communicable diseases, Nephrology, Neurology, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Rheumatology, Gastroenterology along with Critical and ICU care and handling of Medical Emergencies.
It is our endeavor to foster and promote a rich academic and research culture through Medical Education and Skill Development in addition to offering ethical, sensitive and sustainable patient care.


• Provide quality health services to all patients coming to the hospital
• Provide Holistic Medical Education to all medical students
• Foster Continuous Learning and Professional Development
• Encourage research in clinical medicine
• Preparation for Postgraduate Studies


• 100 bedded general wards (Male medical ward + Female medical ward)
• 10 bedded Medical and Cardiac ICU
• 8 bedded Dialysis Unit
• Out-patient Department-3
• Dedicated ART Centre
• OST Centre
• Seminar Room
• Department research lab
• Faculty Chambers for HOD, Associate professor, Assistant professor and residents


• Ventilators
• Video Bronchoscopy
• Video Laryngoscopy
• Defibrillator
• Portable Echo/POS Ultrasound Machine
• Portable X-ray Machine
• Dialysis Machines
• Syringe pumps/Infusion Pumps
• ECG Machines
• Multipara monitors
• Spirometer
• Resuscitation kit
• Oxygen concentrator

Faculties of General Medicine

Photo Name Designation Qualification Registration No. Mobile Email
Dr.Gopal Kanwar Professor MBBS/MD(Medicine) CGMC1714/2008 9827195979
Dr. Ved Prakash Ghilley Assoc. Prof MBBS/MD(General Medicine) CGMC4049/2012 7838799645
Dr. Chandrakant Bhaskar Asst. Prof MBBS/MD(General Medicine) MPMC24814/2019 9408442075
Dr. Vishal Rajput Asst. Prof MBBS/MD(Medicine) CGMC5205/2014 7999895343
Dr.Ujjwal Kumar Dillwar Asst. Prof MBBS/MD(General Medicine) CGMC4942/2013 9685719005
Dr.Vyom Agarwal Senior Resident MBBS/MD(General Medicine) CGMC10364/2020 7353261245 VYOMAGARWAL93@GMAIL.COM
Dr. Ujma Senior Resident MBBS/MD(General Medicine) CGMC9309/2019 9399769583
Dr. Dhaneshwari Junior Resident MBBS CGMC11787/2022 8839026081
Dr. Gourishankar Shidar Junior Resident MBBS CGMC11333/2021 7667154644
Dr. Neel Kamal Junior Resident MBBS CGMC11806/2022 8359891527

Achievements & Research Publications of Faculty

Ongoing Research Activities:

  o Rare presentations of Snake Bite
  o Changing patterns in Malaria and Dengue
  o Transient Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis
  o Novel approaches to Medical Record Keeping in Resource Limited Settings

Faculty Papers:

  o Luka PM, Gilley VP, Minz AM, Kumar H, Minj MK. Association of inflammatory markers with clinical outcome in COVID-19 patients during the second wave in 100 bedded dedicated COVID MCH Hospital, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh State. Asian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2024 Mar 1;15(3):9-13.
  o Sharma V, Gilley VP, Soni LK, Mane SK, Kumar H, Prakash D. Comorbidities and delay in seeking treatment association with severity of Covid-19 disease in patient mortality due to COVID disease at 100beded dedicated CIVID MCH hospital Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2024;16(4);944-947.
  o Bhaskar S, Kurre A, Bhaskar C, Ghilley VP, Singh HK. Comprehensive Analysis of Clinical and Nutritional Factors Affecting Treatment Outcomes in Tuberculous Pleural Effusion. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 2024; 16(10); 332-337


  o The Department played a crucial role in providing healthcare during the COVID pandemic

Academic Activities

Ongoing Research Activities:

The Department holds regular CMEs, Seminars, Case Discussions and Mortality Assessment.
  • 14/09/2023- CME on World Diabetes Day- ‘’Access to diabetes care’’
  • 01/12/2023- CME on World AIDS Day- ‘’Let communities lead’’
  • 20/09/2024- CME ON WORLD COPD DAY