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Cycle Stand tender 24-25 Housekeeping tender GEM year 2025 Tender for purchase of medicine and consumables 2025 चिकित्सा शिक्षकों का संविदा भर्ती हेतु रिक्त पदों की अद्यतन जानकारी

Community Medicine


Community Medicine deals with the provision of promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative services with a holistic approach primary focusing on the community. The department of Community Medicine SBDMSCM Korba C.G. came into existence in the year 2020. Our department is involved in activity like undergraduates and interns training. Department runs

Aim & Objective

1. To train medical graduates in preventive, promotive and rehabilitative services. Besides curative care for common health problems.
2. To carry out early diagnosis and treatment for the locally endemic diseases and provide excellent health care services to the community.
3. To conduct good quality community based research and active participation in the national and international health programmes.


1 RHTC [PHC Ajgarbahar] and 1 UHTC [PHC Dhondhipara] under academic control provide patient care and teach student to gain knowledge, skill and competency in primary health care. Under Family Adoption Programme our department has adopted 3 villages Bhaisma, Naktikhar, Tilkeja of block Korba, distt Korba(C.G.) for MBBS Batch 2022,2024,2025

Apart from MBBS training, the department is also involved in research and epidemiological investigation for the state government as well as independent research activities with national and international organization under college administration. In our department, we organize various CMEs, workshop, health camp and training programme to catch-up with recent updates.


==> Lecture theatre-1
==> Demonstration room-1
==> Student research laboratory-1
==> Seminar room-1
==> Faculty rooms-3
==> Museum-1
==> RHTC-1
==> UHTC-1
==> Departmental office-1
==> Departmental Library -1

Faculties of Community Medicine

Photo Name Designation Qualification Registration No. Mobile Email
Dr.Anjana Tiwari Professor MBBS/MD(Community Med.) CGMC3683/2011 9993170769
Dr. Sumit Dhruve Assoc. Prof MBBS/MD(Community Med.) CGMC1142/2007 9575490919
Dr. Anmol Madhur Minz Assoc. Prof MBBS/MD(Community Med.) CGMC3292/2011 8878868849
Dr. Vinita Rawte Asst. Prof MBBS/MD(Community Med.) CGMC026/2003 9993682800
Dr.Ashok Shakya Asst. Prof MBBS/MD(Community Med.) CGMC1829/2013 8871265612
Dr.Kamal Kishore Dewangan Asst. Prof MBBS/MD(Community Med.) CGMC5492/2014 8770863275
Dr. Satendra Prasad Singh Asst. Prof B. Sc., M. Sc.,Ph. D. (Statistics), PGDCA, MCA, M.Tech.(CSE) NA 7566677509
Dr. Durgesh Banjare Demonstrator MBBS CGMC9305/2019 8982437134
Dr. Komal Singh Demonstrator MBBS CGMC11791/2022 7000281363
Dr. Ranu Saha Demonstrator MBBS Prov. 04/05/2023 9993571921


Achievements & Research Publications of Faculty

Ongoing Research Activities:

  1. Diabetes as indicator for TB treatment outcomes among adult patients with newly diagnosed drug sensitive TB in Korba district, C.G.
  2. Estimation of household catastrophic out of pocket expenditure in newly diagnosed TB patients under NTEP in Korba district, C.G.

Paper Publications Details